Employers appeal to the President of Poland to increase the role of social dialog

Employers of Poland, Konfederacja Lewiatan, Business Centre Club and the Polish Craft Association want social dialog to regain its proper role. In a letter to the President of Poland, they point to the government’s disregard for social consultations and urge a.o. the introduction of mandatory social consultations of draft bills drafted by MPs in the Social Dialog Council. 

In speaking of ensuring the proper status of social consultations, employers emphasized that 59 percent of acts submitted for consultation were submitted “in violation of the rules regulating the process of consultation”. – Many participants of social dialog, in our opinion particularly on the government side, treat it like a seldom respected and inconvenient legal requirement, rather than as a real tool for reaching agreement on key issues – said President of Employers of Poland at a joint conference held by the signatories.

The letter in full is available here.