Let us not get ahead of ourselves

Two climbers strain themselves to scale a high mountain. One asks: In one world – how do you feel? Well – the replies the other. And in three words? Not too well. I recalled this anecdote last week in Paris, during a meeting of the B20 group, where a report on the condition of the global economy was presented  – President of Employers of Poland Andrzej Malinowski writes in “Rzeczpospolita”.

Secretary General of the OECD Angel Gurría emphasized that while growth will continue over the next two years and short-term growth perspectives are the best they have been in recent years, growth was still stimulated mostly by central banks’ monetary policy and fiscal services rather than strong, sustainable growth drivers.

– What are the lessons for our country? Growth is not forever. Let us not get ahead of ourselves to celebrate planned but uncertain achievements. We could still be in trouble, if we get too complacent – warns the President of Employers of Poland.

The article is available here.