Visit of the delegation of the Employers' Federation from Fiji

On December 14th 2018, the Employers of Poland hosted a delegation of the Employers' Federation from Fiji.

During the meeting, the President of the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation, Mr. Sandeep Chauhan, handed over the presidency of the international business initiative Marrakesh Business Action for Climate (MBA4Climate) to the President of Employers of Poland Mr Andrzej Malinowski.

The initiative was created two years ago at the COP 22 conference in Marrakech, and brings together more than forty employer associations from around the world, including the German BDI association, the French MEDEF, the Italian Cofindustria and international employers' organizations. The aim of the MBA4Climate activity is to support the implementation of the Paris Agreements, concluded during United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2015 (COP 21).