A two-penny provocation

According to Chinese philosophy the world is in a state of balance. Yin and yang, good and evil etc. complement each other. If so, somewhere in this world there must be a pair of tax officials blessed with genius comparable to Einstein or Edison. Why? Because someone has to make up for the two infamous tax officials from Bartoszyce, who organized a provocation to fine a car mechanic! – President Andrzej Malinowski writes in “Rzeczpospolita”.

– Man landed on the moon, a Mars voyage is being prepared… and Polish tax authorities still approach entrepreneurs with the attitude of a medieval tax collector, taking money as they please, with no regards for consequences. Officials who do this should be treated to Middle Age punishment: tar and feathers or stocks. Let an angry mob pelt them with apple cores and eggs. Then, they should be banished from public administration, never to occupy a public position again – concludes the President of Employers of Poland.

The article is available here.