First, do no harm to the economy

What is the 500 List? A reason to be proud. It is a list of huge companies, successful not only domestically, but also abroad – including those who successfully compete in the international champions league. However, some treat the List completely differently: as a register of fools to take advantage of. This is the approach adopted by state administration – President of Employers of Poland Andrzej Malinowski writes in “Rzeczpospolita”.

– The problem that has been ailing Polish economy for years is the approach to entrepreneurs, companies and entrepreneurship. It should be based on partnership, as is the case in many countries all over the world. Companies and entrepreneurs are the motors of growth, increased affluence and higher budget income. Both parties should cooperate, work together to elaborate solutions that are most effective both for the economy and society – he adds.

– “Primum non nocere” – states the fundamental principle of medicine. It also applies to the state. Will the recently passed Constitution for Business lead to changes for the better in this regard? Let state officials finally understand that if they will not create obstacles for us, we will be doing fine. This is particularly important now, when the peak of global economy is behind us. Soon, we will enter a downturn, or maybe even a crisis. When that time comes, the consequences of negligence will be felt by the whole of Polish economy. This will be all the more painful considering there was more than enough time to address those issues – he warns.

– These conclusions are sad, but based on facts. However, the list of 500 largest Polish companies who continue to move forward despite the obstacles is a consolation – as is are the successes of hundreds of small and medium companies. If Polish administration officials did not stop them, nothing will –
concludes Malinowski.

The article is available here.